
AFFTA is actively advocating for the fly fishing industry and gathering resources to keep you informed and protected.

How AFFTA Works for You

  • Policy

    AFFTA is constantly looking out for policies that affect the business of fly fishing. AFFTA does this with a full time consultant on Capital Hill. High Street Strategies helps keep you informed and gives us voice.

  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

    AFFTA recognizes the importance of DEI as a tool to not only do what is right but also as a method of sustainably growing the business of fly fishing.

  • Conservation/Stewardship

    To focus on the business of fly fishing without fighting on our natural places would be short sided and pointless. We need healthy ecosystems to continue the sustainable growth of fly fishing. To that end, the AFFTA Fisheries Fund was created to monitor, educate and provide resources for those who are stewards of our environment.

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